Raihan: 14 years old Stateless Child
Raihan and his unforgettable memories! Come and find out!
Hello, my name is Raihan and I am 13 years old. I live at Tanah Merah. In my village where I live, I enjoy looking for bait called punpun. Other than that, I also like to swim. Even though I was terrible at it when I was younger, I have always enjoyed swimming. After I received the punpun, fishing became another activity I enjoyed. After I started studying about fishing on YouTube, I found it to be fascinating and enjoyable.
Because of the oppressively hot temperature, I usually take off my shirt while I search for punpun (bait). That resulted in my back becoming sunburned and developing blisters on my back from too much sun exposure. Four years ago, I experienced getting stung by jellyfish. Thankfully, my grandfather was there to save me; otherwise, I would have passed out. These are moments I will always remember.
Hai, aku Raihan dan umurku 13 tahun. Aku tinggal di Tanah Merah. Di kampung, aku suka mencari punpun (umpan). Aku juga suka berenang. Berenang ni memang aku suka dari kecil lagi tapi masa tu aku ndak (1) pandai berenang. Aku juga suka memancing selepas dapat punpun. Aku suka memancing sebab aku selalu tengok YouTube pasal memancing.
Dulu, masa (2) aku cari punpun, aku buka baju sebab matahari panas betul. Tiba-tiba belakangku panas dan terkupas kulitku sebab terlampau panas matahari masa tu.. Empat tahun yang lalu pula, aku kenak (3) sengat obor-obor tapi nasib baik di situ ada Atok ku, kalau tidak mesti aku pengsan. Itulah pengalaman yang aku ndak lupa.
(1) ndak > tidak
(2) masa > ketika
(3) kenak > kena